CT Printers was approached by Nottingham-based client Macaron Marlo to develop and print cartons for their exquisite French-style gluten free macarons. Held in place by a plastic formed tray, the macarons needed to sit in a beautifully printed, stylish carton which reflected the design of the product. The pretty fresh colours of the macarons are reflected in the client’s graphic design.
We have printed two types of cartons for the client, one without and one with a sliding internal tray, enabling sales of macarons in packs of six, twelve and eighteen. This luxury product simply looks fabulous in both its candy striped and polka dotted coloured cartons.
Ian Marlo said: “We were delighted to work with CT Printers on cartons for our handcrafted macarons. They immediately understood what we were trying to achieve and helped us to develop the right boxes for the product.”
For more information about handcrafted macarons visit www.macaronmarlo.com